Safe Spaces
I will lie down and fall asleep in peace because you alone, Lord, let me live in safety.
Psalm 4:8 CEB
Spring has arrived in southwest Missouri and though we still see temperature drops, they’re shorter and less severe than those of the recent past. Am I willing to plant tender annuals in an unprotected area? Not quite yet, though they are gathered in a safe space waiting until all danger of frost has passed for this season. Then they will make their home in pots surrounding our front walkway.
Along with the newness of spring growth, the scent of hyacinth and lilac blossoms, and the riot of color splashing across our landscapes, there is another aspect of spring that tends to breed discomfort and even fear. If you’ve lived here any time at all, you probably know the sound of a tornado siren and when our forecasters warn us for endless days about storms that may impact our area if all the atmospheric conditions come together in a strategic way, we tend to allow our fears to accelerate. We are not called tornado alley for nothing. Even though the track of the storms may wobble a little north or south from year to year, we pretty much stay in the bull’s eye. So, each spring we gather our supplies; bottled water, non-perishable foods, batteries, flashlights, etc., and secure our valuables so that if we are hit, perhaps something will survive.
Ken and I have had our share of near misses, certainly enough to have earned a healthy respect for those sirens when they sound in our community. Years ago, we stopped in our local Walmart for a few things and parked our new car in the farthest part of the lot so that other cars wouldn’t surround us and ding our doors. While in the store, the sirens sounded, and the power went out. All customers were herded blindly to the back of the store where we waited for a seemingly very long time. Finally, the store associates began leading us out, by flashlight, a few at a time for an orderly exit. We were greeted at the door with utter darkness, an unusual sight (pardon the pun) in an urban area. We managed to reach our car and headed home through wet streets littered with leaves and branches, without the aid of traffic lights, made more difficult by the absence of the driver-side rearview mirror. In daylight, we could more closely inspect the damage to our car. Because we parked it away from the others, it was in the direct path of the tornado which had ripped portions of the roof off the Walmart store and left our new car dinged and dented all over from the flying debris and, of course, dangling the aforementioned mirror. The great news was that we were unhurt as were all the other people in our town.
At another time I was working in Branson while Ken was still employed by MO State Parks. He phoned to tell me that one of the very old growth oaks that had sheltered the front of our home had been extracted from the ground, root wad and all, and laid on our rooftop just above floor-to-ceiling sunroom windows. The tree measured twenty-seven inches in diameter yet didn’t break a single one of those windows. It did pierce a hole through the roof of our kitchen and then the skies offered up three inches of rain, so there was significant mopping up to do but the roof was quickly repaired, and the tree was cut up and stacked for the next year’s fireplace use. Again no one was hurt and we were filled with gratitude. However, Ken’s regional supervisor decided that the other three trees in front of the house had to be removed. It looked so naked without those beautiful trees, but we couldn’t take the chance that another hit would have a good ending.
Our third exposure was less harrowing but nonetheless destructive. That storm passed over leaving a number of trees torn off and splintered but it didn’t damage our home or vehicle. And again no one was hurt.
The community we now call home has been hit hard within the past twenty years so when we shopped for a home, one item became a major attraction. Our current home has an EF 5-rated tornado shelter installed in the garage and it has seen some use in the years we’ve lived here. It’s never been put to the test, but we have spent significant time in it waiting for storms to pass over. We don’t fool around when conditions are ripe for a major outbreak. I secure as much as I can squeeze into that little room in advance and when the siren sounds and our local forecaster’s voices pierce the night with their warning of imminent danger, we head to our safe space. Though we hope it never has to be tested, we’re a bit more comfortable just knowing there is something strong between us and the wind.
He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
Psalm 91:1
Even more importantly, we rely on God to always be our safe place. Under the shelter of His mighty wings, we have the protection of the eternal variety. Houses and cars, even family and friends will come and go, but we can rest assured He’ll always be there for us.
Keep me safe, my God, for in you I take refuge. Psalm 16:1
Walk a While with Jesus
Let all that I am wait quietly before God, for my hope is in him. Psalm 62:5
Have you ever imagined yourself as one of the two men trudging down the road away from Jerusalem carrying the weight of the past three days, seeing Jesus tortured and killed, then laid to rest in a tomb and sealed away, presumably for eternity? It was seven miles back to Emmaus for these two, a good hike for us but typical in those days. When another joins them and asks why they seem so sad, they can’t believe He doesn’t know about all that has happened over the course of the past few days. They have no idea who this Man is. They only know that their hope has been destroyed, their faith is slipping away, Jesus has apparently abandoned them, and they just aren’t sure how they will go on from here.
Do you think you would have recognized His face or the sound of His voice? I wonder…
And when He finally makes Himself known and it becomes clear that He endured the pain for us, would you consider yourself redeemable? Looking back on my life I see countless reasons why I should be left standing outside the gates of heaven with no hope of getting past them, not the least of these would be the opportunities I’ve missed to help others recognize His face, His voice, His unending love and, especially His grace.
A while back Ken and I listened to a friend relate her unbelief in all that is recorded by witnesses as having happened in Jerusalem during that time. The logic of the human mind won’t let her accept that a man could die on a cross, beaten and tortured, and yet return to life here on earth and then re-enter heaven by ascension. Nor can she accept the concept that God could possibly be everywhere all the time. It’s hard for me to hear that because my life has been blessed by the promise of Easter redemption and even when I’ve stepped over the line, way over, I know first of all that He is always there even when I might rather He wasn’t watching my behavior and that, secondly, I can always find my way back. When I finally realize I must get off my trail of disobedience hurtling into nowhere, my path is always clear. Often it’s not so easy, but very clear. I can’t imagine living without that promise.
A recent study indicates that less than forty percent of our population now embraces faith in God or the resurrected Jesus by worshipping together regularly.
People, we have a mountain of work to do!
I had an opportunity to talk about serious faith issues with a friend and, though she knows I didn’t back away from my belief, I don’t feel I gave her enough reason to begin questioning hers. I should have been better prepared. I hope I will be when the next opportunity arises.
Help me to keep believing for those who don’t yet know you.
Ray Pritchard, Faces Around the Cross
(And I should add all those who have known Him and turned away.)
Make no mistake. We all have our flaws, some that may seem unforgivable, but if the Samaritan woman who met Jesus at the well can be forgiven for her sin of prostitution and turn her life around, so can we. If Peter can be forgiven for three times denying any knowledge of the man he worked alongside for three years can be forgiven and become one of the most devoted messengers of the Gospel of all time, so can we. If a criminal, dying on the cross beside Jesus, can recognize his need for forgiveness and plead with Jesus to remember him in heaven and be saved for eternity, so can we. Please do not see yourself or any other person as unredeemable. Jesus interceded for us. He paid the price so we don’t have to. The choice is ours. And that, my friends, is unfathomable grace!
I pray that from His glorious, unlimited resources he will empower you with inner strength through His Spirit. Then Christ will make his home in your hearts, as you trust in him. Your roots will grow down into God’s love and keep you strong. Ephesians 3:16-17
Sleeping on the Job
Then Jesus came with them to a place called Gethsemane and told his disciples, “Sit here while I go o ver there and pray. Remain here and keep watch with me.” Matthew 26:36, 38b
It’s a crazy, busy time in and around Jerusalem as the Day of Passover draws near. There is a not-so-quiet stir among the many visitors to the city that the teacher, the Messiah, that they have heard about is nearby. As a Jew, Jesus would participate in the annual observation of Passover. In fact, it was then that he was dining in Bethany with Mary, Martha, and Lazarus when Mary anointed him with the expensive perfume to show appreciation for bringing her dead brother back to life. That very miracle had caught the attention of many others on the crowded streets. And so, when he entered the gates of Jerusalem aboard a borrowed donkey, onlookers waved palms and shouted, “Hail, the King of the Jews.
Yes, it was a busy place with Jesus chasing money changers from the Temple, trying hard to make his message clear, that he was soon to die and then rise again to make a way for us to be forgiven. And even though many praised him, many others sought to destroy him and with him, any hope of Christianity taking root. Or so they thought.
It is mid-week. Jesus is very tired from that last attempt to reach the people with his message. He wants to spend a few hours with his disciples and arranges a second-floor room large enough for all of them to dine together. He surprises them with a ritual foot-washing to Peter’s great disdain. All evening Peter tries to convince Jesus that he would never leave him and would, in fact, die for him. And then Jesus makes the statement that on that very night, one of them would betray him. They are all shocked and look at each other with questioning eyes.
After he has shared the bread and the cup, he asks three to join him. Peter, James, and John follow him into the garden where he wants only to rest and pray, for he knows what lies ahead. He asks them to stay back a way to keep watch and let him go ahead to be alone with his Father. His prayers are filled with anguish about the pain he knows he must endure. After a while, he goes back and finds the three sleeping on the ground.
“So you men could not keep watch with Me for one hour. Matthew 26:40b
He wakens them and soundly chastises them for their lack of concern. All he asks is that they maintain a watch while he is about his Father’s business. And he leaves them again with the same instructions to stay awake and be on guard.
We’ve heard the phrase, “sleeping on the job” throughout our lifetimes but has there ever been a more egregious example? We may have fallen asleep during an exam because we stayed out too late with friends or sneaked a nap at our desk when a sick child needed overnight care and comfort. Perhaps we have worked as night security and thought no one will notice if I just grab a few winks. But if we were tasked with the simple duty of standing watch while Jesus prayed, would we fall asleep or be so honored that he chose us that sleep couldn’t come?
Of course, there was nothing the three disciples could have done to prevent the tide of events that was about to overflow the world, but they could have been faithful. In their humanness, they knew nothing of God’s plan, only that they were tired from a long week of traveling and meeting strangers and accepting the menial tasks required for survival. Nothing they could have done would have stopped the wheels that had been set in motion since long before Jesus’ tiny head lay swathed in the sweet scent of hay. But they could have been faithful! They
could have done the simple task they were assigned as part of the grand drama that was about to unfold.
Get up, let’s go; behold, the one who is betraying Me is near!” Matthew 26:46
That’s what he asks of us, to be faithful. They would all betray him. In fact, the twelve would all run for the hills before this night was over. But, as the three stand there in the garden with Jesus after they’ve fallen asleep two more times, excuses are no longer relevant as it clearly is too late. They hear a throng of soldiers approaching. And who is in the lead but Judas.. And the betrayer places the kiss of death on Jesus’ cheek.
Shaping the Voids
Many are the plans in a man’s (or woman’s) heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails. Proverbs 19:21
This verse sums up my life in a nutshell…maybe that’s why I quote it often. Case in point; I had planned topics for the entire Lenten season and thought I was being very proactive. But a few days ago I awoke from a dream completely overcome by the subliminal suggestion that I needed to write about my pen and ink artwork. Then I thought, no, it was just a dream. But it just kept nagging at me. And then, on Sunday morning, Pastor Dennis spoke passionately about our children being robbed of their Christian identity by societal distractions and I began to see how pen and ink could reveal a parallel.
So let’s embark on a little artistic tutorial. There’s a bit of preliminary work before I begin a new piece. Not the least difficult is making a choice of subject matter. Once that’s accomplished, I may need to engage my printer to reduce or enlarge a photo or other picture of the image I’ve chosen to work with. When I’ve determined what weight and texture I want for a drawing surface, I’ll use a black and white copy of the photo, with a bright light underneath, to lightly trace in pencil the outline of the major components onto my drawing paper.
Now comes the most important aspect of the work. Read this twice. Before the pen touches the paper I must sketch in the voids. This is free-handed, again in pencil. The voids are those spaces where I want no ink and clearly, if I neglect to indicate where they are needed and try to wing it with my pen, I’m going to make a mistake. Once the ink is down, there is no going back, only a do-over.
When I’ve identified all those spaces, only then, can I proceed to add the details around them in ink. Those early strokes and dots and crosshatches look hopelessly incomplete and I often wonder if the finished piece will ever resemble the image I saw in my mind’s eye before I began. Slowly, very slowly, the image takes form.
By faith—by believing God—we know that the world and the stars—in fact, all things—were made at God’s command; and that they were all made from things that can’t be seen. Hebrews 11:3
Human life is much like these drawings. A baby is born without skills or knowledge, completely dependent on others to fill its needs. The bodily organs function but the mind and the soul are yet to be developed, an open canvas or blank sheet of paper, a void so to speak. They can’t be seen as body parts on an X-ray yet they exist, ready to be molded by the environment in which the child is surrounded. He or she soon learns how to communicate wants and needs. Before we know it, our child is moving around on its own power and soon words tumble from its mouth. Now the question is, what kind of words will we hear? If the child is exposed to polite language and love, the words spilling out are likely to be similar. But if the child is surrounded by unclean words and anger, we know what will happen. “Little pitchers have big ears” may be just an old grandma idiom, but it rings true. Children repeat what they hear. What is your child’s void being filled with?
Now then, as adults, we also tend to reflect the sights and sounds with which we surround ourselves. If we have allowed the negatives to invade our “void”, we are likely to reek with negativity but if we put on the God armor that deflects those negatives and only allows positive attitudes, we then can reflect His light wherever we go. That “void” becomes so bright with light that we can only reflect goodness.
And that drawing I began? The more positive pen strokes that I add, the more clearly the intended image is revealed. I like to take a number of photos during the progression of my work. The reflection of the work in progress helps me see where corrections need to be made, where more shading is needed, and where the project needs to be left blank. And when I’m finished, the voids become the focal points. They’re intended to project light, perhaps the sun glistening on a shiny surface or the highlights in the coat of a wild creature. The light emanates from the voids adding an aura of brightness.
So you see, there is a parallel. Just as it’s important for me to surround my pen and ink voids with the right details, so must we give thoughtful contemplation to what we absorb from the details surrounding the personal “voids” of our minds and souls. Don’t lay the ink on the paper until you’ve determined where and how the voids will collect light to shine forth and illuminate the dark places in the world with God’s goodness.
Now we look inside, and what we see is that anyone united with the Messiah gets a fresh start, is created new.
The old life is gone; a new life burgeons! Look at it! II Corinthians 5:17-18
Redeemed By Blood
You, Lord, took up my case; You redeemed my life. Lamentations 3:58
If you travel this land of ours and take time to stop and visit history museums, you’ll find that the people who came before us, both native and immigrant, were quite inventive. They were in an environment mostly void of modern conveniences but still needed not only to survive but, hopefully, to thrive. They needed tools for building, implements for farming, containers for cooking and storing food and water, and materials for clothes and lodging. Native peoples crafted all these items out of materials gleaned from the land. Immigrants brought what they could from their homeland but their treasures wore out quickly and they, too, resorted to the offerings of nature.
When work was finished and people gathered, someone would invariably pull out a primitive musical instrument fashioned from anything that could produce a tone or rhythm. People everywhere loved the sound of music. It’s often described as a universal language. So, whether around a campfire or at a Sunday morning service in someone’s home, just about any time people were gathered together, music was the social icebreaker. We might not recognize those early attempts at creating useful or enjoyable possessions but they served their purpose well.
Today we typically buy the things that we need and want, but a courageous few will brave the neighborhood trash cans or dive into promising dumpsters and prowl the aisles of not-too-organized flea markets in search of anything that can be used to create something new and useful or repair something that just requires a spare part or two for it to operate correctly. In some cases, items are stripped of any useable material that can then be sold for profit. Recycling is certainly alive and well. Even if we don’t engage in all the dirty work it takes to recover usable “stuff” from trash, we’re willing to sort out our plastics, metals, and paper to leave at the curb for recycling pick-up.
I’ve learned a lot about this recycling and repurposing business from a husband who loves to scrounge. In his hobby of restoring one-hundred-year-old tools, he’s becoming a master of his trade. But he will also pick up every nut, bolt, screw, and washer that shines from the street. After all, he may need them one day. He’ll pick up small appliances or mowers or vacuums sitting at the curb with a “free” sign if he’s convinced they can be made almost new with a little TLC. Said TLC often comes with a reasonable amount of blood, sweat, and disappointment. But he’s very good at restoring old, seemingly useless inanimate objects to a whole new life.
We, humans, have lots of broken parts as well and we can’t always fix those problems, but we can always turn to the one who is able to work miracles and point others in that same direction. As we contemplate Lent and all that it implies, we must remember that we are the reason it happened all those years ago. It was our brokenness that brought Jesus to earth. And the plans were laid out from the beginning because God and His Son knew we would need to be bailed out of our own mistakes.
The good part is, we are redeemable. Through all our brokenness, He sees a heart that was intended to beat for Him in the service of others, a soul that was meant to follow His instruction, love that may have lain dormant for many years, eyes to see the needs around us, ears to hear the cries, hands to reach out and touch. All these and more are parts of the bodies He created.
Lest we forget whose we are, take some time during this season of introspection, and look upon a cross that stood atop a hill. See the broken and bleeding body of Jesus hanging there for all to witness His pain and the abuse His persecutors cast upon Him. Then remember
He did it all for you and me, to heal our brokenness. God and His Son are definitely in the business of recycling and redeeming.
Who’s Your BFF?
Help me to be the friend I want to have. Tim Tebow from Mission Possible
Just who is your BFF? If you have kids in your home, you have undoubtedly heard the acronym, probably often. In case you’re among the unenlightened, it stands for Best Friends Forever. You know, that special person who shares all your secrets and loves you anyway. And I’m sure that when they say it, they truly mean that they want this friendship to last forever. But all it takes is a cross word or an unkind act and the next thing we hear is that the BFF betrayed them and is no longer a friend. A few days later someone else now has the honor of being the new BFF.
What does forever mean to a thirteen-year-old or even a twenty-five-year-old? When we’re young and starry-eyed, infinitely wise and certainly indestructible, forever is the foreseeable future absent the inevitable challenges every human must face. And I’m sure the term BFF has reached the mouths of children almost from the moment they find their first words, even though they have no real concept of what they’re saying.
Our world has become a series of acronyms for just about everything we can think of: business logos, diseases, medications, even text talk. I recall many years ago that I mentioned stopping by KFC for something to eat and Ken looked at me like I was an alien who just flew in from Mars. I had no idea I was on the cusp of a new speech revolution, one that would evolve into a mania I couldn’t begin to understand. Of course, I was a lot younger then and perhaps I could have mastered the transition to acronyms a lot faster had it occurred at that earlier age. But I’m afraid my acronym vocabulary is limited and will likely stay that way.
One thing I do know for sure, earthly BFFs will come and go. They’re as fickle as the wind. But my BFF will never betray me. Jesus is that friend. He wants to share my darkest moments and my greatest joys. He’ll do the same for you! He is big enough to hold us all in his arms and he has plenty of love to go around.
….and the sweetness of a friend comes from his earnest counsel. Proverbs 27:9 ESV
Family and friends are the spice of our lives. We develop deep relationships with them and find comfort in their presence. They travel down bumpy roads with us and celebrate time-honored traditions. But a day may come when they’re no longer there, either because earthly life has ended or because of an estrangement that seems overwhelming.
A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. Proverbs 18:24 ESV
Jesus, on the other hand, will always be there, as close as a prayer, His breath the wind on your cheek. He will listen. He will forgive. He will never betray you or leave you. He even chose to endure persecution and death for you.
Now, who did you say is your BFF?
He chose you out of all the people on earth as his cherished personal treasure.
Deuteronomy 14:2 (Paraphrased from The Message)
Where Are Your Roots?
Your roots will grow down into God’s love….Ephesians 3:17b
Many of you will know that I’m typically in the business of digging around plant roots but spring is still in a questionable mode so I’m in the trenches with Ken chasing down a different kind of roots, genealogical leads.
For some time, I’ve worked sporadically at digitizing all our photos and that’s no small task. With images of those large photos tucked away on a nice little cloud and the originals repacked, I began to consider other old photos in various places that should be preserved as well. Over the next few days, I gathered and quickly reviewed every photo I could find in the house. During that search, an itch I’d had for some time grabbed hold of me again. We lost my maternal grandmother when I was not yet three years old so I have no memory of her except the photos my mom kept. There also were a couple of documents on which I noticed that her name was different. On the one hand, she was Daisy Della Kemp but the other listed her as Della Daisy. I wanted to know which was right.
As one thing led to another I could only make assumptions about my grandmother’s name, but somewhere along the way, I became interested in who I am. I’m still more into preserving the photos and documents we already have than in the painstaking search for centuries of relatives, but Ken and I can embrace this passion together now. And my grandmother’s name is far from being the only name issue we’ve encountered. Ken’s tenth great-grandfather had two daughters named Marie. This was not unusual in those days but what really threw him a curveball was that both of them were married at age twelve. Most people searching the name assumed they were one and the same, but no, they were two different daughters and it becomes clear when you pay attention to birth and death dates. And Ken descended from one of them so accuracy was critical.
And then there’s Ken’s own father who grew to adulthood knowing himself as Arthur Joseph only to learn that he was Joseph Arthur and he had already named his first son Arthur Jr. Names can be very confusing. Perhaps you’ve noticed in biblical times that people often had more than one name. Please tell me, how are we supposed to keep these characters straight? Did you know that Jesus chose two disciples with the name Judas. It was a very common name in those days and while we are all very familiar with one, Judas Iscariot, the other Judas, also known as Thaddeus, is somewhat obscure.
Of the four Biblical lists of the Apostles, two are quoted below as my resource. One refers to Thaddeus while the other shows a second Judas. The remaining two lists follow the same pattern. That doesn’t mean that one is right and the other wrong. The authors simply had different perspectives. Some knew him as Thaddeus and others called him Judas. But historical fact recognizes them as the same person. See what I mean? Records from our past can be very confusing and with all the name-changing and incorrect spellings, it can be very difficult to be certain of one’s family roots. It takes lots of checking and verifying sources. Even then there may be gray areas.
Why am I pointing out this little discussed bit of trivia? Because we all have just a little “Judas” in us. We behave one way in certain situations and very different in others. And sometimes those behaviors betray Jesus.
Just as we can easily be led astray when following trails left by family roots, so can encounters in everyday life deceive us. We often think we know someone when we really don’t. Judas the traitor fooled every one in the inner circle. He was either a very adept con man or something happened along the way to change his loyalties. But Jesus always knew who would betray him. The other Judas (Thaddeus) was innocent of any malice, and was dedicated to Jesus in every way. Jesus knew the hearts of these two men who bore the same name and He loved them both equally. But, as you can see, the Bible accounts below agree that one was destined to betray him. It might just be a good idea to take a good look at where we want to be rooted, on the side of Judas Iscariot or the other Judas.
Roots are important and I’m certainly not going to betray my interest in garden roots in favor of the search for genealogical ones. And as much as I find it interesting to know from where I come, it’s much more important to know where I’m going. Regardless of my earthly roots, my heavenly roots grow deeper daily even when I stumble. He’s always there to pick me up, dust me off, and point me in the right direction…again!
Biblical Sources:
In these days he went out to the mountain to pray, and all night he continued in prayer to God. And when day came, he called his disciples and chose from them twelve, whom he named apostles: Simon, whom he called Peter, and Andrew his brother, and James and John, and Philip, and Bartholomew, and Matthew, and Thomas, and James the son of Alphaeus, and Simon who was called the Zealot, and Judas, the son of James,
and Judas Iscariot, who became a traitor. Luke 6:12-16
He appointed the twelve. Simon (to whom he gave the name Peter), James the son of Zebedee and John the brother of James (to whom he gave the name Boanerges, that is, Sons of Thunder), Andrew, and Philip, and Bartholomew, and Matthew, and Thomas, and James the son of Alphaeus, and Thaddaeus, and Simon the Zealot, and Judas Iscariot, who betrayed him. Mark 3:16-18T
Fanning Flames
This is why I remind you to fan into flames the spiritual gift God gave you when I laid my hands on you. II Timothy 1:6
My family has a long history with fire, most of which has been productive and enjoyable, and that’s the perspective I’m approaching here. Ken joined scouting at age eleven where camping, and thus campfires, were a quintessential component of the program. I think his childhood experience gave him a head start on building a fire, but scouting refined his skills and taught him how to use fire productively, for warming the body and cooking. You know, basic survival skills.
The two of us, along with our kids, have spent many a night in the woods and, of course, our careers in the recreation business provided no shortage of fodder for stories. Where best to share them? Around the campfire, naturally. But first, we’ll need a fire. We gather small dried sticks and leaves. Sometimes we bring a newspaper to help start our flame. With these, we build a base, add larger sticks, and finally logs. Ken prefers the pyramid or teepee style while I like a crisscross pattern. Either way works fine. The key to our fire is that all materials are dry and that adequate air can flow through. Once your fire is laid, you can exercise your primal instincts by rubbing sticks together, striking metal on flint or just do as we do and bring along dry matches or a propane lighter.
Once the fire is blazing well, it will be necessary to tweak it periodically to redirect air and add the necessary fuel. It will be hungry. I’ve found that I can really enjoy a small but consistent fire. However, many folks thrive on giant bonfires. On our annual retreat each year when we join a friend in her timeshare cabin, we have to compromise a bit. She loves a mass of flame while I am content having red hot coals topped with minimal flaming. Whatever type of flame you prefer, a campfire or a fireplace requires work to keep it going. My husband often reminds me that a fire needs fuel, air, and a heat source to burn, but I subscribe there is a lot more work to it than that. I do, however, find the work exhilarating and the result quite relaxing.
Fire in its base form provides heat to warm us and cook our food as well as certain aesthetic advantages. But what about the fire that lives within us, the one that begins with a tiny spark when we first hear about a man called Jesus. How does that flame grow and flourish without the proper amount of fuel, in the form of study, and air, the rest that restores us, and let’s not forget the heat source, daily contact with the one who breathed life into us. Study, rest, and prayer are a necessary combination but there’s another crucial component. Sharing the light of the flame with others. There is a song with a wonderful message and I’ll just quote its chorus:
Carry your candle, run to the darkness, seek out the hopeless, deceived and poor. Hold out your candle for all to see it. Take your candle and go light the world.
This is our mission on earth, to shine the light of Jesus, wherever we are, to whomever we meet. We can’t make anyone follow, it’s a personal decision, but we can light the way.
This topic of faith flame has been on my Lenten schedule for weeks and this past Sunday Pastor Dennis spoke with fire in his belly about revival, the historic line of revivals at Asbury Seminary and the current one, just ended, which drew tens of thousands of the curious faithful and others who were just curious. And maybe they found answers they didn’t even know they were looking for. Smaller movements like this are happening all over America.
John answered them all, “I baptize you with water. But one who is more powerful than I will come…..He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire. Luke 3:16 (portion omitted)
Taking Risks
We’ve all taken risks sometime during the course of our lifetime. Who hasn’t driven a little (or a lot) too fast, perhaps in our early years? Did we stop to think of the consequences to ourselves or others if we lost control? Some of us have left a really good job to follow our dreams and try something new. The lottery has been really huge in recent months. Some of us probably laid down a substantial amount against exponentially negative odds that we would win. Talk about risks, what about starting a family in difficult times.
Most of us make it through those crazy years of wanting to drive fast, but not all. Maybe that new job that looked so good from one side of the fence took on a new perspective once you were on the inside and maybe that was good or maybe a disappointment. The lottery? What can I say? I told you the odds against winning were exponential. And when we risk it all to have a family, I can’t even enumerate the possible rewards and disappointments.
And then, there are smaller risks: going to the grocery store to pick up a few items, giving your sixteen-year-old the key to your car, heading down the road on vacation, planting a garden, making a suggestion to your boss about business management, digging through your ancestry and you never know what might turn up there. The list never ends. We take risks, seemingly overwhelming ones and just everyday run-of-the-mill ones, every single day. Risk is an inevitable part of life.
If you’ve watched PBS lately, you may have seen an ad for in which a woman says, “My family took risks…..big risks.” And
she holds up her phone to reveal a photo of her ancestor by the name of Pillsbury, who risked boarding a ship to cross an ocean, with all its inherent dangers, in search of a better life. I guess his risk paid off, at least from a financial perspective. At some point in our family history, someone made the choice to leave a homeland and travel to a new place in search of something different. Not all enjoyed the success of the Pillsbury family, but success comes in many forms. And God’s rules are different than man’s expectations.
God took a risk. He sent his own son to earth to see if we would respond. Even the Son took risks.
Would we believe, follow and learn? What happens if loving us meant death? Would that end it?
( Partially taken from a Society of Saint Andrew devotional)
How did we respond? Well, in the beginning, we pretty much ignored Him. When He became an adult, He began preaching, teaching, and performing miracles. There were those who didn’t like the direction of His teachings and they certainly didn’t appreciate miracle workers. So they set about executing a plan for His ruination. They paid one of His own followers to betray Him, they tried Him in one mock court after another. They beat Him viciously, drove Him through the streets bearing His own cross, nailed Him to the cross, gambled for His garments, and tormented Him as He hung before them. And when He breathed His last breath, they thought it was over.
They were wrong! The future was just beginning! God took a risk on us but there is no risk in choosing to follow His plan for our lives. Oh, yes, we’ll still have troubles. But we won’t be alone. He’ll be right there in our pit of agony with us, offering support and forgiveness, and love. He’ll also be there to share our mountaintop experiences. The risk is not in acceptance, it comes in saying no to Him.
“Yes, come,” Jesus said. So Peter went over the side of the boat and walked on the water toward Jesus.
Matthew 14:29
Most of our risk-taking probably did not reach the level of the one portrayed in the verse above and we know that because of his personal lack of faith, Peter failed. He’s seen his Master walk on water and like any young child, he wanted to do the same. Of course, he wasn’t a child and lacked the innocent faith of a child. He knew that men were not supposed to be able to walk on water and understood the danger he had placed himself in. All he had to do was focus on Jesus and he would have been home free. But he didn’t! When he took his eyes away from Jesus, he began to sink into the water. Then Jesus rescued him.
Over the next few weeks, the Season of Lent, let’s find some private time with God and tune ourselves into His plan for our lives. Lent is always an introspective time and sometimes feels laden with grief. We need to keep the end result in mind. Jesus’ persecutors thought the problem was solved with His final breath on the cross, but they were wrong! Jesus continues to be a “problem” today to all who choose not to believe or are still sitting on the fence. The factions that want to belittle His journey here on earth would have us believe He was nothing more than a teacher in His time and that the principles He taught are not applicable today. I would challenge that position. I believe His teachings are more relevant in our chaotic world than ever before. We need to listen, hear His word, and feel His hand upon our shoulders and His breath upon our cheeks. He Lives! He is real! And He loves us with a love we can’t comprehend. Reach out. Touch. Listen. Feel. You’ll find Him in ways you’ve never dreamed and you’ll never want to forget “Whose” you are.