Navigating a Minefield and Discovering Treasure
And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. Ephesians 5:2
Last week began with an unexpected mad rush to the emergency room. Ken was experiencing acute chest pain and our emotions were running extremely high. A barrage of assorted tests, enough blood drawn to drain a body, and all the fears associated with this kind of trauma hovered over our days. He was diagnosed with a pulmonary embolism and every effort was expended to locate the cause. After five days, he was home again, now taking blood thinners and there’s still no definitive answer as to the cause. But he’s home, and that’s what counts.
Amidst all the chaos, family and friends have offered prayers, concern, and support. To all, we say a genuine, heartfelt “THANK YOU!” You are truly the angels in our lives.
By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another. John 13:35
And from the chaos, I take several memories that capture the goodness in humankind. The first are all the nurses who truly are angels and serve in ways I can’t imagine. Their dedication to their profession is a beautiful thing to witness. Their patience with their patients goes beyond anything that I could ever muster. No matter how nasty a patient’s attitude, he or she is met with kindness, with sweet and comforting words that turn away the frustrations of the moment. When they must wake a patient in the middle of the night to take vitals, they know the right things to say and do to take the sting from the patient’s reluctance at being awakened once again. We can’t say enough to appreciate all they did to make Ken’s hospital stay more bearable.
And then some volunteers made my husband smile during a very difficult day. On our arrival in the ER, Ken looked up from his gurney and said to me: “This is why people vote early.” We had chosen to vote at our local polling place on election day. Ken never misses an opportunity to vote. After serving eight years in the military to preserve that privilege, he takes it very seriously. When our daughter learned that he was distressed over not having voted, she immediately got on the phone to the Christian County Courthouse to see if anything could be done. They took all his information and said they would put forth their best effort to get someone there, but they couldn’t promise that a team would be available. It was then that I discovered I had left Ken’s wallet, including ID, at home that morning. So our daughter hopped in the car and drove right back down the road we had just traveled to retrieve his ID, just in case. And, sure enough, at about three o’clock on election day afternoon, in walked two total strangers with a ballot. Ken’s face lit up like a Christmas tree. He voted and that made his day. Four people at Mercy Hospital were able to vote that day because of volunteers. If you ever are looking for a place to volunteer your time, I can tell you this is a very worthy one.
And then there was his roomy. We had all enjoyed the private room he was in when acute care was needed, so when they announced on the second afternoon that he would be moving, we were grateful that acute care was no longer needed but also reluctant to give up the privacy of the room. The move could not be accomplished until very late in the evening and I had gone home by then. He called the next morning, distraught because the roommate had caused constant disruption all during the night. When I arrived, he was still distraught, but settled a bit when I talked to personnel and they agreed to somehow solve the problem. For a time I must admit that my anguish over Ken’s anguish caused me not to focus on the needs of the other man. We didn’t exemplify the mission of our church to be Christ in the world. Little did we realize that this was our opportunity to reach out to someone we didn’t know who was really hurting in ways we didn’t understand.
Over the next two days and after he had a long sleep, during which we all had time to recuperate, we began to see signs of goodness within the man amidst all his swearing and inappropriate behavior. Each time he flung a bad word across the room, our daughter prayed that the peace of Jesus would enter his soul. I began to pray for his overall welfare. And Ken gave him a buckeye. In case you didn’t know, the buckeye is a symbol of good luck, and these came from a churchyard where Ken and the pastor prayed over the ones they gathered, making them special. I hope that buckeye helps this man to remember that God loves him. On their last night sharing a room, the two men watched post-election stories and shared comments about their thoughts. The roommate left about an hour before Ken, but he wasn’t going home, he was being moved to a long-term facility. He’s been added to our prayer list and I’d appreciate your adding him to yours. I won’t share a name, just that we all ask for the peace of Jesus to reach into his heart. We all need the gift of His peace.
We love because he first loved us. I John 4:19
Thank you, Jesus, for your constant presence at our sides.
When Temptation Comes Calling
The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted he will show you a way out so that you can endure. I Corinthians 10:13
There’s an App for absolutely everything today! And there is email and text messaging and social media…the time-tested TV ad… all proven ways to share great ideas about how we should spend our hard-earned cash.
- There’s the three-day sale with a count-down clock (which typically is extended just before expiration).
- Coupons that offer a percentage off your bill but only after you spend X amount of dollars and do it within a future window of short duration.
- Everyone has a rewards program….spend more, earn more.
- Then there are shopping channels, a salesperson right in your own living room tempting you with gadgets that will make your life easier.
- The never-ending ads promise rapid weight loss, cures for anything that ails you, cars you can’t afford, and home décor suggestions that will break most personal banks.
- Constant notifications that time is running out on this very special offer.
- Even snail mail is fair game to initiate trade-in offers for everything from tech devices to cars.
ALL FEEDING OUR NEED TO SHOP and, lest we forget, all these things will rot and decay over time unless they become outdated first! What we once thought was treasure will become trash.
Our culture is focused on ‘net worth.’ We’re always afraid of running out….remember the immediate depletion of toilet tissue when the COVID pandemic was declared? We panic when our physical and emotional security are threatened, so we buy more than we need. As a result, we fill our garages with stuff, forcing our expensive cars into the driveway, and when there is no room left to store our stuff in the garage, we rent a storage unit. I know these storage solutions can be helpful in certain temporary situations, but when our “stuff” has been stored away for years and we haven’t even looked at it, why do we need it? Maybe it’s time to reclaim the garage or find a better use for all the stuff in the storage unit. We, as a society, are in need of epic-level decluttering. Someone else may be able to use the treasures we once thought so important.
And in order to finance our shopping needs, we are so busy making more money to buy more things that we forget: “We’re rivers. Not reservoirs.” (Bob Goff) We are made to give and not retain.
Whatever you have to give, do it lavishly. The amount doesn’t matter to God, but the heart does.
Bob Goff, Live In Grace, Walk In Love
Our personal treasures may tumble but Jesus offers eternal rewards! When temptation comes calling, remember who you are, and know who really has your back when life gets stormy. The biggest house on the block and the fanciest car in the garage (or the driveway) won’t help when you really need a friend you can trust. But Jesus will!
Give, and you will receive. Your gift will return to you in full—pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, running over, and poured into your lap. The amount you give will determine the amount you get back. Luke 6:38
Cleaning Up My Mess
For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven. Ecclesiastes 3:1
Okay, it was time….or maybe past time, to grab my pruners, my garden gloves and some trash bags. I dread removing the faded debris from my precious perennials when their season is finished. It seems so final. And this season has been a roller coaster for perennials, actually for my annuals as well. Our last frost in the spring occurred pretty early and, being a lover of bright garden color, I picked up a few long blooming annuals to jump-start the color palette and fill in spaces between perennials. After crawling on my hands and knees to get them into the ground, I stood back to admire my handiwork and was very pleased with the view from our street.
It seemed, however, that the critters in our neighborhood had a different take on my additions. What had been healthy, vibrant hibiscus and lantanas covered in beautiful blooms when I went to bed looked like a desert wasteland the next morning. An ever-growing family of bunnies had nipped off every single bloom and some of the leaves. And to add insult to injury, the squirrels had turned all that disturbed ground and new topsoil into something that resembled a war zone. The only things remaining were a few spindly stems that bore irregular leaves. I replanted them in pots, hoping that would place them out of bunny reach and it did, but the squirrels continued to dig until I placed rocks on the soil and sprinkled in a liberal amount of cayenne pepper. Finally, they became less aggressive in their digging. Those particular lantana never reached their potential but the hibiscus are still bringing smiles to my face with their huge red flowers, and it’s almost November.
The growing season has been a roller coaster, too much rain then not enough and our recent drought has brought many of the perennials to their knees. Most of them have a nature-prescribed season to grow vigorously and create beautiful blooms that mature into seeds, and then many die back until the next season. A few, however, stay with me for the summer if I coddle them a bit and deadhead their blooms regularly to keep them from going to seed. But all the water that I gave them this year couldn’t make up for the lack of late-season rain. It was time to remove the mess left behind and take down a few that were trying to keep going but just requiring too much hand watering to be considered reasonable. I had to let them go for their ultimate health as well as that of my water bill. Forcing them to go on when they were well past their normal growing season could result in weaker plants for next year.
Pruning and removing dead wood is an extremely important aspect of gardening. Halfway through the summer, I give my impatiens a major haircut. They look pretty rough for a couple of weeks but they come back much stronger and last until the frost finally claims them. We are nearing November and my pots are providing good color.
Timing is also very important to the pruning process. Many perennials bloom on old wood and need to be pruned immediately after they bloom to ensure new growth that will then become the old wood for the following spring. Sometimes we prune to remove a diseased portion of the plant or tree and sometimes when two branches rub together causing raw, open wounds on both of them. Whenever pruning occurs and for whatever reason, if done properly, it assures that the plant will be healthier and provide many years of beauty in the garden.
I am the true grapevine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch of mine that doesn’t produce fruit, and he prunes the branches that do bear fruit so they will produce even more. John 15:1-2
And how, I ask, could all this pruning of trees and plants be any different from the pruning in our lives? Does God not work daily to remove the bad things from our lives, to strengthen us by challenging who we are in Him?
The Lord corrects those he loves, just as a father corrects a child in whom he delights. Proverbs 3:12
A Perfect Audience of One
Truly, I am writing for an audience of One, but I pray He will put my work into the hands of those who need it.
From the website of Jennifer Sienes, Christian author
A few Sundays ago, I ran into a friend between services, and after catching up on news of our families, he went on to comment on the most recent Gatepost Weekly and how my article had affected him. Another man walked up to us, and my friend introduced me as the one who writes articles for the weekly missive. There was no hint of recognition. I must have been basking in a moment of pride when humility smacked me hard, and I was forced to recall that I don’t write for accolades. That doesn’t mean that I don’t enjoy hearing from you…I do. I just need to remember not to let pride get in the way of my relationship with Jesus. There is a purpose behind the words I’m gifted with, and while my work is anything but perfect, if it helps someone to see Jesus in a different way than before, my goal has been accomplished, my gift well used.
In a good week, the Lord offers me a thread to tug, and my task is to stretch that thread and weave it together with others to enhance a point that needs to be made to someone. Often, it is aimed straight at me. I pray that my sharing can reach another who needs to hear the message.
The challenge happens when I become distracted and miss a message, a Spirit nudge, the days I lock myself in my own little world. Today is one of those days. I find my thoughts wandering and am beginning to feel that my well is running dry. I’m sure you have those days too, when everything seems upside down and inside out, when you wonder if the world will ever stop hurling troubles your way. Those are the days when I know I need to reach down deep inside myself and pull out the very best of me, knowing that my best is nothing compared to what lies within the beating heart of my Jesus. And when I reach out to Him, He hears my plea for help, and a tiny seed will be planted in my heart and begin to grow, its roots will deepen and its branches will reach out.
Your heart is a fertile greenhouse ready to produce good fruit. Your mind is the doorway to your heart—the strategic place where you determine which seeds are sown and which seeds are discarded. The Holy Spirit is ready to help you manage and filter the thoughts that try to enter.
Max Lucado, Just like Jesus
When I feel there is nothing left in me, He fills my well again with thoughts and words, messages that I need to hear in my quest to be more like Him. I need that precious connection and so do you. And with that connection, reality settles in….I don’t use my gift of words to gain glory on this earth. The words He gives to me flow back to Him, my perfect audience of One, and if they also land in someone’s world who needs to hear them, that’s a bonus.
We all have spiritual gifts and we’re expected to share them freely. If you haven’t discovered yours yet, open your heart wide, invite Jesus in and give Him room to scatter a few seeds. You may be very surprised at what will grow.
Put on your new nature, and be renewed as you learn to know your Creator and become like him. Colossians 3:10
Raging Waters
By: Marcy Barthelette
I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid.John 14:27
Our southeastern states have certainly seen more than their fair share of water in recent weeks. Hurricane Helene surprised all the forecasters by taking a mean swipe at Florida’s west coast and then making a beeline inland and dropping record amounts of rain in very short periods of time in areas not known for hurricane-force storms. As we all know, the results were devastating. Just two weeks later Milton bore down on Florida, for a while raging as a category 5 storm over the Gulf of Mexico. Fortunately, he weakened some before landfall but damage was still quite substantial, this time taking its aim on the entire Florida peninsula.
We have family who were impacted during both storms and waiting to hear is a very sobering business. We finally did learn that while they have a lot of clean-up in their futures, they’re safe.
Ken and I have had lots of experience with raging waters. Living and working in parks in south central Missouri placed us close to several Ozarks streams that had a high potential for volatility. If you live near them long enough, you will experience flash flooding. We experienced damage to homes, losses of personal property, loss of a pet, and, in one case, loss of human lives. The floods we experienced would be classified as minor by comparison to the recent storms in the southeastern US, but they certainly gave us a great respect for the power of water and the ability to truly empathize with the people in those devastated areas.
Most of the time, clear running streams and calm beaches are just wonderful places to relax and enjoy our beautiful outdoors. I have always been attracted to water, especially clear running streams. As a teen, we lived on the outskirts of our town and I was privileged to have a nice little creek just up the road. I spent many hours wandering its banks. For a while, my leisure time was spent on lakes but once I found my way to Ozarks streams, my love affair with them has only grown. I find peace walking beside a stream and strength in the continuity of the water, meandering to reach its destination. Beaches provide the same sense of peace for me as the waves ebb and flow. But when a weather phenomenon or a human error causes them to rise from their normal boundaries, they become anything but peaceful.
At some time in our lives, maybe multiple times, we will face a wall of “raging water,” an event that seems insurmountable. We’ve been upagainst that wall for a few months now, dealing with several health issues. Our doctor ordered each of us to go through a brain MRI. That happened last week and I have to tell you that I had my share of concerns. First and foremost is the question of what exactly is causing our symptoms and then comes the uncertainty of what the test will be like and I’d heard some very negative descriptions. And, in my case, the fear of the IV needle insertion is paramount. But, for the last few times, I’ve had blood drawn, I’ve placed my fear in God’s hands and He’s gotten me through it. And so, I gave the MRI to Him, as well. I felt totally at peace isolated in that tube with loud and annoying sounds all around me, and when it came time for the needle, one quick stick was all that was needed to inject the contrast dye. It ended sooner than I expected and I left the test area feeling relaxed and comforted.
What made the difference? Jesus was beside me, just like always, but this time I reached out and took His hand and he led me in my mind beside “still waters” to pastures of green. The words of the contemporary musical version of Psalm 23 repeated through my mind the entire time I was in the tube and I rested into His goodness.
You prepare a table when I am surrounded,
Anoint my head with oil, my cup overflows, my cup overflows….
It occurred to me after I was finished that the reason streams of water have been my answer to troubled times is simply that Jesus is there for me. It’s the special place where we come together and, if I’m not near water, I can imagine it and be transported to my favorite stream through His presence. Our enemies may be raging weather or the trials of daily life. It doesn’t matter….He’s always there to prepare a table in the presence of those enemies.
A Work in Progress
You can make many plans, but the Lord’s purpose will prevail. Proverbs 19:21 NLT
It’s Monday morning as I write, and today, I celebrate eight decades of life on this incredible God-created earth. You can well imagine that those eighty years have seen a lot of shaping, refining, and pruning of unnecessary parts, but today, I reflect on the gifts of life. Birthdays are about gifts, celebration, and remembering.
Let me start by saying that I’m a planner, an organized person, a list-maker. So it’s easy to see how Proverbs 19:21 has been challenging for me. I love Proverbs! I call it the “no-nonsense” book of the Bible. It tells you all you need to know in a very straightforward language anyone can understand. But how can I not make plans? It’s so deeply ingrained in me.
For as long as I can remember, I’ve been “in” church. I attended Sunday School and taught classes, belonged to youth groups and led them, sang in the choir, worked at VBS, served on committees…you name it and I have done it. I’ve made many mistakes but I tried to be a pretty good person and treat others well. And I thought I had this Christianity thing all figured out, but God had other ideas.
I recall a noisy evening some forty-two years ago. It was likely right around the time of my birthday. I was standing in the high school gym in my tiny town, waiting for a ball game to begin while having a conversation with a new acquaintance who had just moved into the community. Out of nowhere, he asked me if I knew Jesus and I knew this was a turning point in my life. It was as if the chaos around me just ceased and I was left with a life-changing question just hanging in the air. Did I really “know” Jesus? And so began a journey of finding myself within the loving arms of Ken’s Jesus who has truly become my Jesus as well.
Time slips. Days pass. Years fade. And life ends. And what we came to do must be done while there is time. Max Lucado, He Still Moves Stones
Most people and cultures throughout the history of the world have acknowledged a God, a supreme being, a benefactor of sorts. But we, you and I, have been offered an even better gift. We have a living, breathing promise of life, God’s Son. A friend who walks with us and talks with us…who doesn’t judge, he just listens and forgives. I wonder how long it would have taken me to begin my Jesus friendship if my sweet husband had not asked that question all those years ago….“Do you know Jesus?” I do know Him. I accept His gift of life, and I know that He is the glue that holds us together, that strengthens us to be who we were created by God to be. And those lists, I still make them, but I know they’ll likely end up in the trash because He always places a few surprises along my path to interrupt my best-laid plans.
Now, it’s a pretty safe bet that there’s more of life behind me than there is ahead. So, the big question now is, “What can I do to maximize
God is not finished with you yet (or with me). Oh, you may think he is. You may think you’ve peaked. You may think he’s got someone else to do the job. If so, think again….
God ain’t finished with you (or me) yet.
Max Lucado, When God Whispers Your Name
We’re All on a Journey
Ah, vacation time! We look toward those journeys down highways and backroads with great anticipation and no small amount of planning and organization. Our last major excursions happened in 2019 before the pandemic radically changed our lives. That year we went to the great state of Texas to visit our son and his family, followed about six weeks later by a circular journey that took us to Florida for some family time with Ken’s siblings, then wandered up through parts of Georgia, South and North Carolina and through the Smoky Mountains of Tennessee before heading back to Missouri.
Now, I’ve known people who can hop in the car with nothing more than a backpack and their trusty GPS, then head down the road in search of adventure wherever they find it. I’m not one of those, though I’ve often wished I could be. Any major trip in my future begins many weeks ahead, first creating lists to be sure I don’t forget a single thing, then slowly gathering everything on the list and packing it away in a very organized manner. When the time comes to load the car, Ken does the heavy lifting to the garage, but then he just stands back and lets the master packer do my thing. You would not believe what I can pack into a car or a camper. Ken seldom asks if I brought a certain something, he just asks me to point him in the right direction.
The same is true for our home. The kitchen cabinets are arranged in an order that is functional for me and includes turntables that bring needed items forward with just a twist. The closets have a specific place for every item which makes them easy to find. And then there’s the garage. I guess we all need a space that’s not so pretty, though I must say, Ken’s doing a better job of keeping his side organized than I am.
Even when we’re not traveling down unfamiliar roads in search of adventure, we’re all on a journey we call life. Our journey may be fraught with danger or filled with miracles, but it’s our journey and it’s ever-changing. Seasons come and seasons go, we trudge through valleys of despair and celebrate the view from mountaintops, and if we know that God is in control, we also know that this life is just a blip on the radar of eternity.
Last Sunday, Pastor Dennis began a new sermon series based on the Book of Exodus. The word exodus means “the road out” and to many of us it refers to the departure of the Jewish people from bondage in Egypt and their search for a “promised land” flowing with “milk and honey.” It was no easy journey, one that lasted for forty years, and many perils surrounded the Jewish nation throughout this time, not the least of these being their own self-doubt, but they eventually arrived.
And I have come down to deliver them out of the hand of the Egyptians and to bring them up out of that land to a good and broad land, a land flowing with milk and honey….Exodus 3:8
As we look back on the journeys of our lifetimes, we ponder beautiful memories, unexpected emergencies, trails taken and others overlooked. We spend a lot of time looking back when we need to keep focused on what lies ahead. The nation of Israel took two generations to reach that rich land they were promised. Our journey on earth typically lasts through three or maybe four generations, but our trip home happens in an instant. And no packing is required!
No mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him. I Corinthians 2:9 NLT
A Place of Sanctuary
And let them make me a sanctuary, that I may dwell in their midst. Exodus 25:8
Some years ago, 2005 to be exact, we had just recently moved to Florida for Ken’s work. Our home was in a rural area near a small lake and the back adjoined a large ranch owned by our landlord. The yards around ours were spacious and the population was a diverse mix of people. A long road leading to our home was my choice for daily walking as there was an old orange grove at the other end and I loved being near the orange blossoms that spring. I don’t think anything smells sweeter than a grove of orange blossoms.
On one particular day, I was about as far away from my house as my walk could take me when a very large dog approached from behind. He was a handsome reddish-brown boxer who stood more than half as tall as myself. His mouth was just about where my hand fell and he took that hand in his mouth. I cannot express the fear I felt. Large dogs have always frightened me and yet, or maybe because of that, they are attracted to me. Unfortunately, I freeze which only worsens the situation.
I walked resolutely forward not making eye contact with my escort alongside me, holding my hand but never clamping down on it. We approached an intersection in the road where I hoped someone might come by. And, in fact, a car did approach and I frantically waved for the driver to stop. I told him my plight and asked him for a ride to my house. Bear in mind, this was a perfect stranger, whose car I would have never entered under normal circumstances. But this was no ordinary situation in my mind. The man seemed to believe I was overreacting and clearly believed the dog was no danger to me. However, it was still a long way down that road to my home and I really did not want to make that walk with my new “friend” holding my hand.
The driver reluctantly agreed to give me a ride and I scrambled into the car, against all my better judgment. And I never walked that road alone again. I missed the tantalizing scent of orange blossoms but I did not want another encounter with that animal, beautiful or not.
I know that many of you would think me completely irrational. After all, it was a handsome animal who showed no aggression toward me, but my fear paralyzed me. I’m surprised I was able to walk as far as I did in relative calm, but I assure you when help was within my grasp, I lunged for it.
Fear can either paralyze or motivate us. Fear for ourselves will often result in the former while fear for someone we love is a very great motivator.
Maybe you’ve never experienced great fear or maybe you live with it on a regular basis but one thing I know for sure, if fear is your companion, you need another companion to walk alongside you.
God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Psalm 46:1
I cannot honestly say that God was my first thought that day. My fear was so paralyzing I likely only considered what I could do to help myself. I thought I needed to feel the sanctuary of my home when what I really needed was the one true sanctuary available to me. If you find yourself grappling with fear, lean into His loving arms and rest in the sanctuary of His mercy.
What’s in an Apple?
And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work. II Corinthians 9:8
Last evening I caught my first real sense of autumn approaching. There were new scents in the air, the gentle breeze had a slightly different feel. And, of course, leaves were beginning to drift silently to the ground. What is it about fall that holds us in its spell, and captures our sense of settling in after a summer of busyness and out-of-the-ordinary activities? Maybe it’s an opportunity to breathe a bit before old man winter comes calling.
On recent trips for groceries, I’ve noticed this year’s crop of apples making their way into the produce section and who doesn’t love to bite into a crisp, juicy apple, newly picked from the tree? The best part for me is the smell of apples simmering in cinnamon and brown sugar, whether as a side dish, a cobbler, or a crisp. Nothing says fall more to me than the tantalizing aroma of apples cooking. Soon on a crisp evening, I’ll sit with a cup of steaming spiced cider to warm me through and through…yummy!
The humble apple has become the most popular and most used fruit throughout our world. Its origins are in Far Eastern countries. It migrated westward through the Middle and Near East and then to Europe. Most sources agree that it came to the shores of North America in the early sixteen hundreds with some of the first settlers of this wild continent, new and challenging to all but the indigenous residents who populated its woods and hills.
These earliest immigrants came with everything they thought they needed to survive because no new supply ships would be reaching them anytime soon and their seed for crops would all require a full growing season to mature into edible stores. Apple trees, though slower to mature, were an important part of their cargo accompanied by hives of honey bees for pollination. Within a few years, the apple trees flourished and, with the help of worker bees, bore large crops of juicy, red fruit. The apple was a staple of the pioneer diet because it could be used in so many ways and was easy to preserve for the long, lean winter months. Not only was it eaten fresh and stored successfully in cool, underground cellars, but huge kettles cooked the apples down gently over an open fire into creamy apple sauce and apple butter. Crude cider mills popped up all over the countryside to produce both sweet and hard varieties. The apple could also be dried for eating or rehydrating later for pastries. Eventually, apple trees would find their way all across this great land we call home.
The apple became such a prominent part of the pioneer diet that communities came together each fall to pick, peel and cook down apples for their many uses. Peeling so many apples by hand was really tedious work, so entrepreneurs began coming up with tools for peeling all those apples, or paring, as they called it. Over the years, numerous types of apple peelers were invented, and some of them will be in use at Aldersgate next week. That’s because fall is apple pie-making time at Aldersgate. It’s been a tradition for quite some time and Aldersgate pies have gained a great reputation among the locals. So, if you have some time, check the schedule for peeling the fruit and assembling pies. Your help will be greatly appreciated.
And, if you have a hankering to re-create that sense of pioneering spirit by hanging a kettle over a fire to make apple butter outdoors, there are folks around our area who do that. Just locate a schedule of fall festivals for dates and information.
All this talk about apples reminds me of God’s ample provision for us. We see evidence of the apple, or something similar, all the way back to the Garden of Eden. God provided the fruit of life from the very beginning. Over the centuries it has been dev eloped and hybridized to create the countless varieties we find in our markets today, and though man was certainly involved in the changes and developments, our God always has been and always will be in control. We can count on His daily provision, both physically and spiritually. Grab yourself a juicy red apple, polish it until it sparkles, take a bite and remember, we may have had a hand in growing it, but only God could create it.
The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. Psalm 23:1