An Announcement from Pastor Phil

Good morning, afternoon or evening depending on when you read this…
There are from time to time in our lives opportunities to share information with others. Now, that’s not any incredible flash of brilliance on my part, but rather an introduction as to the purpose of this article.
As we creep closer to the New Year, we also creep closer to the sort of thing that keeps folks in heavy coats and certain water content falling from the sky. (Note I did not call it what it really is, so you can’t blame me…) This sort of thing has become almost enough to make a person wish they could be out of the weather here and enjoying the warmth of a more southern environment. And so, that’s what Dorothy and I will be doing for the months of January and February as we are heading to Destin, Florida for the winter.
Just because we are doing this “snow-bird” thing doesn’t mean I will be ending the bible studies in which I am involved. The Monday night Men’s group will, along with the FAB group on Friday mornings, continue to meet on campus and I will be doing my portion from Destin via ZOOM. Toney Wood is graciously helping this to take place so the fellowship of being together will continue. It also helps those who might be concerned about getting out if the water content falls from the sky.
Dorothy and I are so looking forward to this opportunity and this new experience. We will return the first week of March and then figure out how to get sand out of all the stuff we seem to need to take with us!
And now for one more announcement to the church. In 2022, I will be turning 70 years old and while this isn’t old, I will be retiring as a pastor in the MO Conference of the United Methodist Church. We have been involved in this church from the early beginnings as I have been sharing with you in “Phil’s-osophy” in the Gatepost. We both anticipate that will not change, I will be retired but not finished serving. I have a great desire to continue facilitating the bible studies mentioned and look forward to the experience of watching the growth that takes place in these studies. Dennis and Sarah are encouraging me to continue to serve the congregation at this place we call Aldersgate and so I will for as long as I can or for as long as the congregation will put up with me.
The date for my official retirement is June 30, 2022. You have heard me say it before and it rings true with this announcement, “It’s all good”. So don’t be shocked and don’t be too joyful when you don’t see us here for a couple of months, but please celebrate with us as we continue our journey, Dorothy and I, and our journey with you. God bless each of you and as always, I wish you…
Pastor Phil

Happy Tax Day to everyone!

virus. It is amazing to me just how we as a people have reacted, some good and some not so
good. I am excited by the outreach opportunities to which so many of our congregation have
recognized and responded. From phone calls to delivering meals to going to the grocery store,
many of you have taken on the role of caregiver.
hands (this one makes me laugh as we must be taught and or reminded), PPE’s or lack thereof,
and fear. Yes, fear… (Fear not, for Christ will never leave us or forsake us)
healthy spiritually. During this time of being in our homes, we could have cleaned every closet of
the clothes and items we needed to discard (re-sale shops will be really crowded and full of
good stuff once we can get out…}. Maybe we got caught up with our reading, or even caught up
on our soap operas. I have been able to watch some new shows and have found National
Geographic television has some very good programs.
material that I enjoy and I am so grateful for the opportunity to hear the Word being shared by
Pastor Dennis every Sunday morning at 10 am and on Wednesday evenings at 6 pm. I have
also been able to hear former classmates from St. Paul seminary as they share the word. This
may not sound like much, but it is a change for me. Had it not been for the time spent at home, I
would have gone on doing the same thing I always did.
and if not, why not make a change. If you would like to comment, please do so below. Yes, the
church building has been closed, but the church has been busy reaching out and helping to
change attitudes, opinions, and lives.
and they shall renew the face of the earth…
Pastor Phil