Aldersgate Youth
WE are the Collision of God with his People.
Our mission is for every junior high and high school student who walks through our doors to experience the Love of God and become his Disciples
We look forward to seeing you!
Weekly Schedule
9:45 AM – Sunday School
- 7th and 8th in CLC Building
- 9th-12th grade serve on campus the first Sunday. Meet in the Youth Building.
6:00 PM – High School Small Groups
- First Sunday – Mary Cunningham’s House
- Second Sunday – Cherie Gregory’s House
- Third Sunday – Robyn Thomas’ House
Small groups are a time for a deeper dive into scripture with Bible studies for guys and girls. The host home makes dinner for everyone and we have time for games and fellowship too. It is a wonderful night together.
5:00 PM – Youth Praise Band Practice
6:00 PM – Doors Open
6:30 PM – Worship and Game
7:00 PM – Small Group Discussion
- 7th and 8th grade boys go to CLC
- 7th and 8th grade girls go to CLC
- 9th-12th grade stays in Youth Building
Upcoming Events

Capture the Flag – Snowball Fight Edition
Sunday, January 26
6:00-7:30 PM
All 7th-12th graders are invited for a fun night of capture the flag. We will have walking tacos for dinner and fun for everyone.
Summer Mission Trip

Current 8th-12th graders are invited to the summer mission trip June 28-July 4. They will be traveling to the Appalachian Mountains to help with hurricane recovery. All students interested need to fill out the online form and also complete the Commitment Agreement. A $50 deposit is required.
The next Mission Trip Meeting will be Wed. Nov. 20 at 7:30 PM.
The next Mission Trip Meeting will be Wed. Nov. 20 at 7:30 PM.